A technique to change the look of glasses girls who are short-sighted but don’t want to wear glasses.
Sometimes girls with short-sighted glasses like us want to change their look. Some days I want to go out and shine without glasses on my face. Or sometimes Glasses are an obstacle in doing some activities, such as playing sports that require a lot of jumping, bending, or when playing in amusement park rides. may be worried that the glasses will slide off, etc. We would like to try to take off the glasses for some days for girls who wear glasses all the time. And want to try taking off the glasses But feel unsure of where to start? Let’s see the technique to change the look by taking off the glasses. For short-sighted girls too.
::: Choose a contact lens that suits you :::
How to quickly change the look of a girl with glasses The first method is to use “Contact lenses”. Contact lenses are available for both daily and monthly contact lenses.
If we want to save We should choose monthly contact lenses. But if we want to be light, soft, comfortable to wear, daily contact lenses will give a light touch. More natural feel less irritated Anyone who is starting to practice wearing contact lenses for the first time May start with wearing contact lenses daily. Clear natural first. When you put it in fluently Then try another type of contact lens. Such as monthly contact lenses. Contact lenses of various colors or contact lenses to increase the size of the eyes or big eyes as we like.
::: LASIK :::
LASIK is a surgical procedure for refractive errors such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism. Suitable for people who don’t like to wear glasses. and does not like to change contact lenses frequently Able to live comfortably, without hassle, without worries, flexible in every activity and most importantly. The personality remains beautiful, handsome, chilling at all times.
::: Minimally invasive surgery technology :::
Refractive Lenticule Extraction (Refractive Lenticule Extraction) is the latest refractive technology to treat refractive errors. That restores clear vision to the eyes with small incision surgery technology
ReLEx is a highly accurate refractive surgery method. Light and comfortable during surgery It is a one-step laser corneal curvature replacement. Cause changes in the curvature of the cornea according to the eye level that needs to be corrected less disturbance to the cornea The cornea after surgery is strong. few side effects and no pain during surgery Because there is no pressure on the cornea of the instrument during the surgical procedure. Reduce the likelihood of long-term vision recession after surgery. Can reduce dry eye symptoms because there is less interference with the nerves of the cornea