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Monthly Archives: January 2024

Symptoms of stress.

People suffering from stress often develop symptoms immediately after encountering a stressful situation. Symptoms last for days or weeks. Symptoms of stress are as follows knowledge: In general, we humans often experience stress from our daily lives. This feeling may affect the functioning of the body and emotions. Causes changes

How to deal with the Burnout problem?

If you find yourself showing signs of burnout, you may start to change your lifestyle. To prevent physical and mental health from deteriorating even more than before. The methods for dealing with the Burnout problem are as follows. Take care of your health.  When you work too

Preventing fatigue.

Fatigue is a symptom that indicates feeling tired. Lack of motivation or lack of energy Common causes are Congenital diseases that are mild to very severe. Or is it the result of lifestyle habits. Such as lack of exercise? or eating food that is not beneficial or not enough. General fatigue which